The point at which most
unrepresented enterprises
regret not having engaged
a skilled IP attorney is when
a dispute occurs.

The benefits of licensing or assigning your trade mark rights go well beyond
just short-term profits. Such agreements can also save you money through
cost reductions in things like manufacturing, distribution and service
delivery. They can also enable access to new markets and sales channels
without the legwork or personal investment, grow your business and market
position, boost your brand value, and value-add through royalty payments
and license fees.

Platform IP attorneys work closely with our litigation partners, including specialist IP lawyers and advocates whom are specialised in the area of intellectual property law – particularly, trade marks, patents and copyright. Collectively, we have many decades of experience in handling trade mark disputes, and in implementing superior measures so that you are in the best position to avoid them.

Across all of our work, we engage closely with a select and evolving network of intellectual property lawyers. In many cases we assist them with legal matters including –

  • seeking and securing urgent relief such as injunctions and seizure orders
  • prosecuting and defending Australian Consumer Law and passing off claims, and trade mark revocation actions
  • advising on and prosecuting appeals of Trade mark Office decisions
  • advising and representing clients in mediations and dispute resolution processes
  • utilising our network of legal professionals for litigation and appeals in the Federal Court or Federal Circuit Court


Protect, grow and monetise
your innovation.

Trade Marks

Trade mark to help secure
your brand’s future.


Safeguard your unique design.

IP Oppositions & Disputes

Enforce your rights and protect
your trade mark from infringement.

IP Commercialisation

Enhance your prospects of
success with a bespoke
commercialisation pathway.

IP Valuations

Find out what your IP
is really worth.
